J.T. Gibson
“My practice as a contemporary sculptor and artist investigates cultural symbols and motifs to create work that inhabits the gray area between abstraction and purpose. I am uninterested in any agenda or dogma, but rather in a paired-down aesthetic of instinctual artistic pursuit. The sculptures reference the figure, signage, or fragments of tools and machinery, and thus have a familiar yet unique and unidentifiable presence, evoking some ancient memory. They are self-sufficient objects that rely on the singular form, without adornment, to convey their power.”
Lost Patrol | House Guests 2019 / 2020 | Vestiges | Divided Mind | Hearths & Hideaways | Crosswinds | Houseguests | Wanderlust | Paramnesia | Primal Tide | Deciduous | Inaugural
Combinatti #3, 12"x15"x8", bronze
Combinatti #6, 21"x12.5"x5", bronze
Flux, Oil on linen, 24" x 36"
Thank You Lucky Stars, mixed media on canvas, 24" x 36"
Tidal Suite II, Bronze, 14" x 11" x 1.5"
Time to Remember, Bronze, 7"x 7"x 1.5"
Untitled 2, Bronze, 10"x 7"x 9"
Cloudscape Table, 24"x18"14, bronze
Tidal Suite # 6, Bronze, 14"x 11"x 1.5"
Tidal Suite I, Bronze. 14" x 11" x 1.5 "
Tidal Suite #3, Bronze 14"x 11"x 1.5"
Take a look at me baby, Bronze, 10"x 10"
Bundle, bronze, 6"x 6"x 14"
One Way Up, Oil on canvas, 30" x 24"
Red Gate, Bronze, 7"x 7" x 1.5"
Remain in the Light II, Bronze, 7 "x 9" x 1.5"
Twins, bronze, 9"x 6"x 8"
After Burn, 24” x 36”, Oil on linen
Chasing MoonBeams, 29" x 36" , Oil on linen
Forever Is A Long Time, 60" x 48", Oil on linen
Halfway Through A Dream, 34" x 42.5", Oil on linen
Hoping For The Best, 36” x 29”, Oil on linen
I Want You Back You Never had Me, 34” x 42.5”, Oil on linen
Lost Patrol, 36" x 29" , Oil on linen
Mariners Dream 1.5Wx4.5Hx5D, bronze, brass
Memory of a Past Winter Rain, 29" x 36", Oil on linen
Reclaim 1, 8"H x 12"L x 5"D, Bronze
Reclaim 2, 15"H x 10"W x 4"D, Bronze
See What Tomorrow Brings, 40” x 50”, Oil on canvas
Sometimes My Mind Wonders, 50” x 40”, Oil on linen
There Will Be Sign Posts Along The Way, 60” x 48”, Oil on linen
Thinking Out Loud, 34" x 42.5", oil on linen
View From a Window, 40" x 50", Oil on linen
Where Do We Go From Here, 42.5" x 34", Oil on linen
August Sculpture #1 & #2, 7'x3", bronze, buried patina