![Kana_Incrementa [detail 4]_72x15x13_Norway maple, limestone.jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/63bd5d718e8a5b08f0bc1ec5/1fbc4c3a-288e-43a2-ab33-0ed7abe7c13a/Kana_Incrementa+%5Bdetail+4%5D_72x15x13_Norway+maple%2C+limestone.jpg)

Some Like it Hot
Exhibit through October 2023
a(1): the phenomenon of combustion manifested in light, flame, and heat
a(2): one of the four elements of the ALCHEMIST air, water, fire, and earth
b(1): burning passion ARDOR young lovers with their hearts full of fire
b(2): liveliness of imagination INSPIRATION the force and fire of his oratory
A multi-person exhibit featuring new 2023 work from our artists. This curated exhibition highlights our appreciation for blacksmithing, forged steel, wood working, and cast bronze work both here in Newport and in Santa Fe. Metal casting is a process in which hot liquid metal is poured into a mold to solidify; an art established over seven thousand years ago during the bronze age.
Robin Crocker, Relativity for Albert Einstein, 47.88”x31”x2.75”, Wood, paint, patina, gold pigment
JT Gibson, August Scuplture #1 and #2, 7’x3”, Bronze, buried patina
Karen Yank, Heart, 8.5"x8.5"x2", Steel & Stainless
Karen Yank, Symmetry, 12"x12"x1", steel, stainless
Patrick Kana, Incrementa, 72”x15”x13”, Norway Maple, Limestone
Karen Yank, #15, 23”x23”x1”, Steel and Stainless steel
JT Gibson, Take a Look at Me Baby, 9 ¾”x9 ¾”x1.5, bronze
JT Gibson, Combinatti #6, 21”x12.5”x5” bronze
JT Gibson, Cloudscape Table #1, 24”x18”x14”, Bronze
Karen Yank, Potential, 12"x14"x2", Steel & Stainless
Karen Yank, Straits, 48”x21”x3”, Stainless and Blacken steel
Robin Crocker, Sun Moon Stars Rain, 6.5”x5.5”x4”, wood, patina, resin
Jerry Wingren, Swedish Black Granite Resting Stone #8, 7”x16”x14”, Swedish black granite
JT Gibson, Tidal Suite #7 (if we only had more time), 14”x11”x1.5”, bronze
JT Gibson, Combinatti #3, 12”X15”x8” bronze
JT Gibson, Cloudscape Table #2, 24”x18”x14”, Bronze
Karen Yank, Home, 14"x14"x2", Steel & Stainless
Karen Yank, Square, Corten Steel, 17”x17”x1”, Steel and Stainless steel
Patrick Kana, Triptych, 42”x15”x8”, Cast Iron, Cast Glass, Maple
Jerry Wingren, Swedish Black Granite Resting Stone #33, 7”x11”x14”, Swedish black granite
Robin Crocker, All is too open… (for Mary Swanson), 41”x37”x4, Mixed media on paper
Robin Crocker, Twenty-one Taras: Threshold, 10’x6’x4’, urethane resin, epoxy resin, hydrostone, copper, gold rope
Karen Yank, Point of View, 13"x9"x2", Steel & Stainless
Karen Yank, Unconscious Equilibrium, Steel, 24”x24”x1
Robin Crocker, Wish to Escape to Inner Space (for Mary Swanson), mixed media, 13”x18”
The Diamond that Cuts Through Illusion 33.25”x33.25”x2.75” wood, steel patina
Karen Yank, Company, Steel, 20”x32”x3
B&W Modernism, 4.5"x4.5"x4.5", Gabbros and paint